Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) belong to the most frequent illnesses. There is a wide spectrum of DNA and RNA viruses, responsible for ARVI. To the most important viruses belong: rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, parainfluenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, adenoviruses and metapneumoviruses. Rhinoviruses and coronaviruses are the most frequent cause of the common cold. There are min. 99 recognized types of Human rhinoviruses that differ according to their surface proteins and four to five different currently known strains of coronaviruses that infect humans. Parainfluenza viruses and RSVs show high similarities while four types of parainfluenza viruses are known. Parainfluenza type 4 is rare and causes only very light cold. In contrast, whenever young children are studied, parainfluenza types 1, 2 and 3 and RSV lead to respiratory illnesses with hospitalization. Types 1 and 2 most typically cause laryngotracheobronchitis, parainfluenza type 3 produces pneumonia, often with of obstruction. For most people, RSV produces only mild symptoms, often indistinguishable from common colds and minor illnesses. The typical syndrome is usually bronchiolitis, but pneumonia is sometimes diagnosed as well.
AmpliSens® ARVI-screen-FRT PCR kit is a qualitative nucleic acid amplification test for multiplex detection and differentiation of specific nucleic acid fragments of pathogens that cause acute respiratory viral infections: • human Respiratory Syncytial virus (hRSV) RNA, • human Metapneumovirus (hMpv) RNA, • human Parainfluenza virus-1-4 (hPiv) RNA, • human Coronavirus (hCov) RNA - ОС43, Е229, NL63, HKUI, • human Rhinovirus (hRv) RNA, • human B, C and E Adenovirus (hAdv) DNA, • human Bocavirus (hBov) DNA in the clinical material. Internal Control allows to check the DNA/RNA extraction, reverse transcription and amplification efficiency.
Catalog number | Description | Detection | Format | # of reactions |
Certifi- cation |
Assay detail |
Shelf life |
Fluorescent channels |
Availa- bility |
R-V57-100-F (RG,iQ,Dt)-CE |
AmpliSens® ARVI-screen-FRT PCR kit | 100 |
12 months |
Reverse transcription
Fluorescent End-Point
Reagents in stock tubes
Ready-to-use PCR tubes
on request